📁 آخر الأخبار

Composition I - Pr BITARI, semester 2, English Studies


Course Description

This course aims at engaging students in the process of writing so as to produce organized, coherent and well-written paragraphs. Apart from revising basic paragraph structure and sentence structures, students will be able to:

Write concisely

Use parallel structure

Write narrative and descriptive paragraphs

The outline of the courses that we will be dealing with is the following:

1. Sentence structure (revision)

2. Paragraph structure (revision)

3. Transitional expressions

4. Transitional expressions (2)

5. Concise sentences

6. Parallel structure

7. Process writing

8. Process writing (2)

9. Narrative paragraphs

10. Descriptive paragraphs


 Sentence structure (revision)

In this lesson, students will revise types of sentences.

Simple sentence

Compound sentence

complex sentence

Compound-complex sentence

Sentence types


Practice: Sentence types


Dear students, find attached the link to our first lecture on Sentence Structures that will take place on Tuesday 6th, April from 12h to 13h30.

The link to Google Meet: 




